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Pengertian Dan Referensi Kalimat Passive Voice

Pengertian Dan Referensi Kalimat Passive Voice
Pengertian Dan Referensi Kalimat Passive Voice

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice – Passive voice sanggup diartikan sebagai suatu kalimat dimana subjek dalam kalimat tersebut mendapatkan aksi, bukan sebagai pelaku aksi. Kebalikan dari active voice yang terfokus pada pihak pelaku agresi (doer of action), passive voice lebih fokus pada pihak yang mendapatkan (hasil) suatu agresi (receiver of action).

Dalam penggunaannya, passive voice ini jarang dipakai untuk percakapan sehari-hari lantaran lebih bersifat formal. Berikut ini referensi kalimat passive voice;


My parents plant some flowers (subjek = pelaku)


Some flowers are planted by my parents (subjek = peserta aksi)

 sanggup diartikan sebagai suatu kalimat dimana subjek dalam kalimat tersebut mendapatkan agresi Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice
Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice

Ciri Umum dan Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice

Berupa kalimat aktif yang sanggup dirubah menjadi kalimat pasif. Kalimat aktif ini umumnya memakai transitive verbs (kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek) antara lain bring, buy, make, write dan lain sebagainya.

Namun sebaliknya, kalimat aktif yang memakai intransitive verbs (kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan objek) antara lain arrive, cry, die, go atau swim, tidak sanggup dirubah ke kalimat pasif. Walau begitu, jikalau intransitive verbs diikuti preposition, kalimat pasif sanggup saja dibentuk walau cenderung terkesan kaku.

Passive Voice biasanya selalu diadaptasi dengan tenses dan sanggup dirumuskan sebagai berikut

Subject + to be (am/is/are) + past participle (pp)

Berikut ini tenses yang umum dipakai beserta rumus dan referensi frasenya

  • Simple Present (am/is/are + pp) = are created
  • Present Continuous (am/is/are being + pp) = are being created
  • Simple Past (was/were + pp) = were created
  • Past Continuous (was/were being + pp) = were being created
  • Present Perfect (has/have been + pp) = have been created
  • Past Perfect (had been + pp) = had been created
  • Simple Future (will be + pp) = will be created
  • Future Continuous (am/is/are going to be + pp) = are going to be created
  • Future Perfect (will have been + pp) = will have been created

Selain itu, kata get sanggup pula menggantikan to be menyerupai dalam percakapan informal namun juga harus diadaptasi pula dengan konteks yang mengikutinya.

Contoh dan Penggunaan dari Passive Voice

  1. Bila pelaku tak disebutkan/ diketahui pasti. Contoh;

My book has been stolen.

Dalam kalimat ini, pembicara tidak tahu siapa pencuri bukunya.

  1. Bila pelaku telah dijelaskan dan tak perlu lagi disebut. Contoh;

Corn is grown in Java.

Dirasa cukup terang dimana petani sebagai pelaku atau penanam jagung.

  1. Bila tidak ingin menyebut si pelaku. Contoh;

Mistakes were made.

Pembicara tidak ingin mengungkap siapa yang berbuat salah.

  1. Bila pelaku ialah banyak orang/ umum. Contoh;

Transjakarta is used as an alternative means of transportation.

pelaku merupakan publik lantaran transjakarta sanggup saja dipakai masyarakat umum.

  1. Bila pelaku sudah disebutkan sebelumnya. Contoh;

Mr. Umar caught Budi cheating on the exam. Budi was given punishment.

Mr. Umar sebagai pelaku telah disebut sebelumnya, sehingga dalam kalimat kedua (passive voice) tak perlu lagi disebutkan.

Dalam konteks passive voice tertentu, by-phrase (frasa pelaku) tak selalu dipakai lantaran sejumlah alasan menyerupai yang tertulis tadi. Walau begitu, kita juga sanggup mencantumkan pelaku bila warta itu bersifat penting, contoh;

  • Bila ada warta gres (dalam kalimat kedua).
  • Bila pelaku sudah diketahui namanya atau orang terkenal.
  • Bila identitas di pelaku tidak diduga sebelumnya.

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice

Berikut ini JadiJuara bagikan banyak Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice dalam bentuk positif, negatif serta kalimat tanya yang sanggup adik-adik pelajari:

1. Positive sentence (kalimat positif)

Untuk referensi kalimat passive voice yang pertama kami berikan dalam bentuk positif. Silahkan cek contoh-contohnya dibawah ini:

No. Active Sentence Passive Sentence
1. They eat a kafe of white chocolate A kafe of white chocolate is eaten by them
2. I catch the Salmon fish in the river The Salmon fish in the river is caught by me
3. The carpenter cut the wood The wood is cut by the carpenter
4. I charge my phone for two hours My phone is charged for two hours by me
5. You watch the tv in the living room The tv in the living room is watched by you
6. My mother makes chicken satay with soy sauce addition Chicken satay with soy sauce addition is made by my mother
7. I choose him to be my husband He is chosen by me to be my husband
8. I forget my laptop My laptop is forgotten by me
9. My teacher punish me because I forget to collect my homework I am punished by my teacher because I forget to collect my homework
10. The tv presenter forecast the weather condition The weather condition is forecast by the tv presenter
11. You freeze the horror movie The horror movie is frozen by you
12. I send a message to my best friend in London A message to my best friend in London is sent by me
13. My father makes a cheesy sandwich for me A cheesy sandwich is made by my father for me
14. My brother drink a glass of chocolate milk before he goes to sleep A glass of chocolate milk is drunk by my brother before he goes to sleep
15. My sister invites all her friends to the garden party All my sister’s friends are invited to the garden party
16. I type my biology experiment report on Ms. Word My biology experiment report is typed on Ms. Word by me
17. She calls me every morning Every morning I am called by her
18. My dog eats cow bones Cow bones are eaten by my dog
19. I receive some amount of money from my parents in my hometown  Some amount of money is received by me from my parents in my home town
20. Bobby read a personality book  A personality book is read by Bobby

2. Negative sentence (kalimat negatif)

Berikut ini referensi kalimat passive voice dalam bentuk negatif yang kurang lebih ada sekitar 20 buah juga:

No. Active Sentence Passive Sentence
1. I do not plant the apple tree  The apple tree is not planted by me
2. Dessi does not make a vanilla cupcake  A vanilla cupcake is not made by Dessi
3. We do not watch the tv  The tv is not watched by us
4. Sammy does not pay the tax bill  The tax bill is not payed by Sammy
5. The pirates does not hide the treasure in the land  The treasure is not hidden in the land by  the pirates
6. We do not produce leather jeans  Leather jeans is not produced by us
7. We do not pay our worker salary in this month  Our worker salary in this month is not payed by us
8. Mr. Tanoe does not open the job field  in his company yet  The job field is not opened by Mr. Tanoe in his company  yet
9. She does not buy the leather wallet  The leather wallet is not bought by her
10. You do not turn on the lamp  The lamp is not turned on by you
11. Tama does not borrow my pencil  My pencil is not borrowed by Tama
12.  Visitors do not feed the animals in the zoo The animals in the zoo are not fed by the visitors
13.  Salmon fish does not live in the Hindia Ocean  The Hindia Ocean is not lived by salmon fish
14.  I do not pump the water from the well near my house  The water is not pumped by me from the well near my house
15.  She does not wear the glasses The glasses is not worn by her
16.  I do not follow you  You are not followed by me
17. They do not play the video games The video games are not played by them
18.  We do not use the olive oil for cooking  The olive oil is not used by us for cooking
19.  Sinta and Rama do not learn France at school  France is not learned by them (Sinta and Rama) at school
20.  He does not climb the building The building is not climbed by him

3. Interrogative sentence (kalimat tanya)

Untuk kalimat tanya, berikut ini contoh-contohnya yang sanggup adik-adik pelajari:

No. Active Sentence Passive Sentence
1. Does he buy the new handphone?  Is the new handphone bought by him?
2. Does Nana sing an old song for you? Is an old song sung by Nana for you?
3. Does Annie cook a chicken soup? Is a chicken soup cooked by Annie?
4. Do they repair your computer speakers well? Are your computer speakers repaired by them well?
5. Does he burn the plastic trash? Is the plastic trash burnt by him?
6. Do they treat the extinct animals well? Are the extinct animals treated well by them?
7. Do the student answer all the test questions? Are the test questions answered by the student?
8. Does she wear the mask? Is the mask worn by her?
9. Does he contact you? Are you contacted by him?
10. Do you buy the crackers? Are the crackers bought by you?
11. Do you promise her a birthday gift? Is a birthday gift promised by you for her?
12. Does Jane write a permission letter to the office? Is a permission letter is written by Jane to the office?
13. Do you wear your rain coat? Is your rain coat wore by you?
14. Do the alarm clock wake you up? Are you waken up by the alarm clock?
15. Do the student wear the uniform at their first day of school? Is the uniform worn by the student t their first day of school?
16. Does she wear perfume? Is the perfume worn by her?
17. Does Timmy buy a box of wine? Is a box of wine bought by Timmy?
18. Do you mix the eggs and the flour? Are the eggs and the flour mixed by you?
19. Does Samantha give the topping? Is the topping given by Samantha?
20. Do they spread the seat? Is the seat spread by them?

Bagaimana? Anda niscaya sudah sangat paham kini bagaimana cara menciptakan kalimat kalimat passive voice bukan? Sekarang mencar ilmu bahasa Inggris jadi lebih gampang ya.

Demikianlah ulasan dari kami mengenai rumus dan referensi kalimat passive voice. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik-adik sekalian, dan sanggup mengerjakan tugas-tugas di sekolah dengan mudah. Jangan lewatkan juga: 56 Contoh Kalimat Past Continuous Tense Berbagai Bentuk


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